Texas Without You

The Country Duo

Released June 24, 2017

Kasey Rausch wrote this song after she lost a close childhood friend to suicide.

Addiction and mental health issues do not represent the heart of the addict or the depressed. Rather, they speak loudly to a situation that must be met with compassion, connection, and awareness. There is no shame in addiction and mental health

Released June 24, 2017

Kasey Rausch wrote this song after she lost a close childhood friend to suicide.

Addiction and mental health issues do not represent the heart of the addict or the depressed. Rather, they speak loudly to a situation that must be met with compassion, connection, and awareness. There is no shame in addiction and mental health instability. It's hard to know how to help those that are closest to us. Perhaps we can be brave enough to make the mistakes by being willing to have the dialogue. #UseYourVoice #SpeakUp

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. Drug & Alcohol Recovery Hotlines: www.recovery.org Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: www.bbrfoundation.org American Mental Health Foundation: americanmentalhealthfoundation.org Alcoholics Anonymous: aa.org Support for the family members of alcoholics: www.Al-Anon.org Support for teenage family members of alcoholics: www.al-anon.org/for-alateen

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